1 October 2021, SYDNEY AUSTRALIA – VT Markets, one of the leading Forex and CFD brokers in Europe and Asia, today announce that their new office in Kuala Lumpur is now opened, to better meet the increasing needs from Malaysian clients and affiliates.
In the past seven years, VT Markets has been thriving in Asia, Oceania and Europe. However, the demands for the South-East Asia were plenty and growing. The purpose of setting up a local office in Malaysia is to provide better services, expand our scope, and enable new projects. The new office, which includes an experienced sales team and marketing team, is aiming to provide better services, expand our scope, and enable new projects. The new office will be focused on assisting with market access and Forex trade services, but mostly investment attraction into VT Market ecosystem, and service local Forex investors and affiliates.
“We are expanding globally and with the addition of our newest office in Malaysia we continue to deliver the highest levels of service to our customers while we deliver cutting edge technology to enhance their trading experience.” said Chris Nelson-Smith, Managing Director at VT Markets.
The new office is expected to start to generate sales and initiate marketing campaigns from the fourth quarter of this month. It will primarily handle customer support and affiliate inquiries from Malaysia and Indonesia region.
About VT Markets
VT Markets, based in Sydney, Australia, is a subsidiary of VT Markets LLC (VIG), and leverages more than 10 years of experience and expertise in global financial markets to offer easy and transparent market access and help our clients pursue their financial goals. Founded in 2016, VT markets has applied advanced technical support in the retail FX market to provide clients with superior trading experience.
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VT Markets 是一个在不同司法管辖区拥有多个授权和注册实体的品牌名称。
· VT Global Pty Ltd 经澳大利亚证券和投资委员会 (ASIC) 授权并受其监管,许可证号为 516246。
· VT Global 不是衍生品的发行方或做市商,仅被允许向批发客户提供服务。
· VT Markets (Pty) Ltd 是一家经南非金融部门行为监管局 (FSCA) 注册和监管的授权金融服务提供商 (FSP),许可证号为 50865。
· VT Markets Limited 是一家由毛里求斯金融服务委员会 (FSC) 授权和监管的投资交易商,牌照号为 GB23202269。
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